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The listings below are owned publications of Associated News:

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IBUYTICKET.COM  empowers business owners to reach a maximum of people with geo-targeted advertisement.


Editorial Guidelines

IBUYTICKET.COM ’s editorial team reviews all press releases as much as possible before it is distributed to ensure that the content is newsworthy and accurate. The guidelines that are written below help your Press Release get quick approval and distribution on our platform.

The press releases should have a clear and newsworthy angle and be free from spam, direct address, and ad hype. It should incorporate the following features:



Press Releases submitted should contain a valid email address and phone number in the contact information.


All network marketing companies with a major announcement or using a stock ticker symbol – You submit written authorization from an executive before news distribution. Independent representatives of network marketing companies must have consent from the executive.


Press releases should be between 250 and 2000 words. The length of the press release directly affects the distribution. And, too short have trouble getting indexed in search engines. The summary should also be within 160 characters maximum.

Spelling and Grammar:

The press releases should be grammatically correct and should be written in proper English. If you are using jargon, ensure to include definitions for industry jargon for the layperson to understand.


Press releases should not contain HTML tags, forced line breaks, or tables. Avoid writing the entire release in Capital letters.


Associated News Agency demands a clear news source to be identified right after the article. The news source is the company or organization that is issuing the release. If your business, firm, or agency is distributing on behalf of a client then the source would be the client’s organization or company’s name. It should be mentioned in what ways the organization or company related to the announcement.

Email Id:

It is recommended not to use the mail id within the PR’s body. If an email is included – our editorial team will change in the necessary format.


IBUYTICKET Does NOT Distribute


IBUYTICKET.COM restricts content intended to harm or defame a person or group. It typically accepts PR related to public policy, politics, and other delicate matters. But, the opinions should be appropriately attributed and the PR should not contain excessive hyperbole or allegations.

Explicit Content:

Our integrity is of utmost importance. IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t accept sexually explicit products or materials. Releases should be free from references or links to profane language, illegal or sexual material. All the 18 years or older websites are considered explicit.


Don’t get caught in content filters due to the density of high-volume words/ phrases and prominence that are frequently found in non-newsworthy websites, unwanted mails, or spam and ads.


Limit the link count to 1 every 100 words. This policy is to protect the value of links in a PR within IBUYTICKET.COM s network.


General articles, blogs, or open letters generally lack attribution and news value are discouraged.


PRs can be about a group or person’s opinion on a topical subject, but they should be more than views or opinions. The opinions that are not attributed to any source are considered a flag that may deem the content as an opinion column or ad rather than PR.


Feature or news stories, editorials, opinion columns, articles, or images from other publications or sites, if they are copyrighted are not press releases.


All the users of the IBUYTICKET.COM  must submit only accurate information.


Using copyrighted content from other websites is a violation of IBUYTICKET.COM  ‘s Terms of Service.


IBUYTICKET.COM  only permits PR from law firms in which the firm is representing one of the parties. We don’t accept PR from third-party firms regarding legal cases

Wrong Intention:

IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t distribute content intended to exact revenge or harm a person or group. It is defined as anything that is intended to: victimize or shame an individual or group, degrade, defame, defraud, stalk, maliciously affect a company, promote personal opinions attacking a group or individual, racism violence, bigotry, express hatred or incite.

Ticker Symbols:

We encourage our clients to use any ticker symbols they are authorized to use in the PR. But we need to receive exact authorization from the source company for each ticker symbol used.


IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t publish releases that promote or link to fantasy sports or online gambling.

e-liquid/ Vapor:

IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t publish releases that promote or link to e-liquid, e-cigarette, or vapor.


IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t publish PR’s that market to short-term or unsecured loan services or link to payday.


IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t accept PR from online pharmaceuticals or websites that sell drugs or prescriptions unless the PR or websites state a doctor’s prescription is required to buy.

Weight Loss Products:

We don’t allow any potentially hazardous or unsafe weight loss products or ingredients.


Health Supplements:

IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t allow health supplement content irrespective of claims of legality.

Sexual Enhancement Products:

IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t permit press releases that encourage sexual enhancement products.

Money Schemes:

IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t accept PR that publicizes money making online, get rich quick schemes or work from home programs.


IBUYTICKET.COM  objects to PR that promotes advice, reviews, recommendations, alerts, newsletters or story picks. Public trade companies might promote their news.

Over Optimise:

We don’t accept PR that contains links over-optimization or keywords.

Tablet or Mobile Phone Unblocking:

IBUYTICKET.COM  doesn’t allow PR to link or market to Black Hat SEO services or tactics. These types of services comprise but are not limited to paid social media followers, selling and buying, or keyword stuffing.

Academic Writing:

IBUYTICKET.COM doesn’t publish PR that encourages services to write dissertations, term papers, essays, or research papers for a fee.

IBUYTICKET.COM also reserves the right to remove press releases that contain unnatural inbound links via paid link scheme participation. From time to time, IBUYTICKET.COM  will review releases submitted by clients to make sure they accommodate search engine guidelines.